PALAZZO CAPPELLO “Discovering Palazzo Cappello”

Proposed experience

Discovering Palazzo Cappello

Sunday 22 October 2023 at 3.00 pm – for children aged 6 to 10: guided tour lasting around 30 minutes, followed by a themed creative workshop lasting around 1 hour (maximum 20 participants); guided tours lasting about 30/40 minutes each at 4.30pm and
5.15pm (maximum 25/30 people each).

There will be exhibitors of local products.


Sunday 22nd October


On shift


Palazzo Cappello

Piazza Martiri della Libertà 1, Meolo


0421 61018 (biblioteca comunale: in orario di apertura)

Why choose this experience

  • To appreciate a little-known place
  • to admire the fresco of the Wheel of Fortune
  • to live an experience suitable even for the little ones

Price per person


Price per group/family


What it includes

What it doesn't include

Cancellation conditions

In case of cancellation of the reservation, please notify
by 12.00 on Friday 20 October contacting the contact details indicated

Additional payment notes


Maximum number of participants: 20 for the guided tour aimed at children; 25/30 for each of the other guided tours


Recommended for families



The visit takes place on the ground floor and on the first floor and the building has no lift; it is therefore necessary to climb two flights of stairs.

Discover the villa

Vi ricordiamo che l’esperienza è ideata e organizzata interamente dalla Villa pertanto per prenotare o richiedere informazioni dettagliate è necessario contattare quest’ultima. IRVV e AVV non sono direttamente responsabili dell’attività svolta nelle ville né delle eventuali modifiche organizzative che si dovessero rendere necessarie. Sarà discrezione della Villa stessa accogliere e organizzare al meglio l’attività proposta.

We remind you that the experience is designed and organized entirely by the Villa, therefore to book or request detailed information you must contact the latter. IRVV and AVV are not directly responsible for the activity carried out in the villas nor for any organizational changes that may become necessary. It will be at the discretion of the Villa itself to welcome and organize the proposed activity in the best possible way.

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